Young people who are between the ages of 12 and 16 and active members of Scout Troops at the time of the PfadiBU. Each troop needs at least one adult leader. This person is responsible for the supervision of the group and accompanies them throughout the camp. You may be two leaders in any case. For larger groups, the leadership ratio should be 7:1.
This means for example:
1 to 7 scouts + 2 adult leaders 8 to 14 scouts + 2 adult leaders 15 to 21 scouts + 3 adult leaders ...
You have questions about the organisation of the PfadiBU? Contact the Orga group!
You have questions about the program of the PfadiBU? Contact the Program group!
You have questions about the communication at the PfadiBU? Contact the communication group!
You have questions about the participation of scouts at the PfadiBU? Contact the participation group!
We are currently looking for people who are interested in actively shaping the PfadiBu and who would like to get involved in certain working groups in advance or just during the process.